2016 Camper Halloween Photo Contest

Voting: NOW – November 13, 2016
Winners will be announced November 14th on Facebook and website
Winner Selection: Photos will be posted to an album on our Facebook Page. The photo with the most “likes” will receive the prize. Winners will be announced on Facebook and at KiwiCountryDayCamp.com on November 14th.
Submit Photos: NOW – Sunday, November 6, 2016
Prize: $100 in Kiwi Cash – good towards camp tuition, a SkyRider zipline party, Kiwi Country Kitchen classes or a birthday party.
To Enter Your Photo:
(1) Sift through your photos for your favorite picture of your child(ren) wearing a Halloween costume. Only photos of past or present campers of Kiwi Country Day Camp will be considered. Photos must be from Halloween 2016.
(2) Email your photo (1 per family) to Brigett@KiwiCountryDayCamp.com with the subject “Halloween Costume Contest” by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 6, 2016. You can also Personal Message (PM) the photo directly to our KCDC Facebook Page. Be sure to include the full name for each person in the photo, as well as a comment or caption for the photo. By submitting a photo, you allow Kiwi Country Day Camp to post your photo to the KCDC Facebook page and website. #KiwiHalloween
(3) Tell everyone you know to visit Kiwi Country Day Camp’s Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/campkiwi/) to VOTE for your little cutie beginning November 7th! You must have a Facebook account to vote.