KCDC to Receive the First Annual “Heart of Gold” Award from the Ty Louis Campbell Foundation

On March 14, 2015, the Ty Louis Campbell (TLC) Foundation will host their second annual cocktail party, casino night and auction at the Regency Hyatt in Greenwich, CT. This Share the Love fundraiser will attract over 200 mature attendees from Greenwich, Westchester, Stamford, Fairfield and Dutchess communities.
The first annual Heart of Gold award will be presented to Adam Wallach, Karla Bellotto and Ivan Bellotto of Kiwi Country Day Camp, in honor of all they have done to support childhood cancer awareness and fundraising initiatives in our community.¨
The award was created to identify and provide recognition to individuals in the community who give themselves, unselfishly, to spread awareness for childhood cancer via volunteer acts of service and/or kindness and generosity beyond the call of duty.
About The Ty Louis Campbell Foundation
Founded in September 2012, The Ty Louis Campbell (TLC) Foundation is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization that funds innovative research and technology specifically geared toward the treatment of the deadliest childhood cancers. The organization seeks less toxic, more effective treatments that are specifically designed for children fighting cancer. www.theTLCfoundation.org.